with easy to do solutions that will make walks feel like a breeze
Right now, you are likely facing
Fear of being injured if your dog lunges at prey.
Fear of your dog being hurt, getting lost or landing you in legal difficulties.
Stressful walks where you are hypervigilant because you KNOW you can’t trust your dog.
Grief that you are not living the life you hoped with your dog.
Well-meaning friends, family and strangers who offer unhelpful advice, leaving you feeling isolated and misunderstood.
I want to say first that you are not alone. Second – it is NOT your fault. Prey drive does not happen due to lack of training, too much freedom, not enough freedom – or any of the other things that well-meaning people might have suggested to you. It happens because it is a fundamental part of what it means for a dog to be a dog.
There is so much that you can do to understand, appreciate, and work with your dog’s prey drive. Putting time and energy into doing that will let you see your dog in a whole new light. It’ll build the bond that your dog has with you, it’ll help you to feel differently, AND it’ll allow you to enjoy walks with your dog and feel in control.
You'll know how to be safe will walking your dog, be confident that you can keep you and your dog safe, be able to relax, feel less guilty AND you will stop feeling like maybe you should take Uncle Bob's advice - even though his advice is not at all how you'd want to treat your beloved dog.
Get High Prey Drive Club Masterclasses
Every month for 12 months, get a brand new masterclass emailed to you. Each masterclass holds the key to vital prey drive knowledge.
This sounds great but what exactly will be covered?
January & July
In January, the Masterclass is all about lead walking with your high prey drive dog. You’ll learn how to teach your dog to manage a loose lead, even when there are distractions around. You’ll also discover how to prevent pulling and lunging on the lead - AND how to plan for successful walks.
In July, we'll look at the role of arousal in lead walking. You’ll understand how your dog’s emotional state affects their behaviour on the lead. You'll also get access to easy and effective methods to get your dog walking on a loose lead. And a simple way to get your dog moving if they freeze on the spot.
February & August
February’s masterclass is about observation skills and lead walking. You’ll learn how to spot and deal with potential prey triggers for your dog, and how to calm your dog if excitement levels get too high.
August’s masterclass is about arousal levels. You’ll learn how to monitor and manage your dog’s emotional state, and how to make your walks more calm and enjoyable.
March & September
March’s masterclass is about overcoming the guilt you may feel about your dog’s prey drive and how it affects their life. You’ll also realise how much your dog loves and appreciates you, no matter what.
September’s masterclass is about planning. You’ll learn how to set clear goals for your dog’s behaviour, and how to create a plan to achieve them. You’ll also get unstuck from any obstacles or challenges that may come your way.
Mindset is crucial for all dog training, especially for high prey drive dogs. You’ll learn how to develop a positive and confident mindset that will help you and your dog succeed.
April & October
April’s masterclass is about impulse control and food rewards. You’ll learn how to teach your dog to resist distractions and follow your commands. And how to use food effectively to motivate and reinforce even the non foody dogs.
October’s masterclass will teach you the power of using a go cue to build up your dog's love of stillness. This will be a great help in preventing your dog from chasing anything that moves.
May & November
May’s masterclass is about giving outlets. You’ll learn how to give your dog appropriate ways to express their prey drive, without worsening their behavior.
November’s masterclass is about chase, grab, and hold behaviors. You’ll learn how to deal with these common issues in high prey drive dogs, and how to provide them with safe and satisfying outlets.
June & December
June’s masterclass is about stop and responsiveness skills. You’ll learn how to teach your dog to stop and be still when you ask, and how to improve their attention and obedience to you.
December’s masterclass is about recall and high prey drive dogs. You’ll learn the reasons behind recall problems, and how to customise your recall training for your dog. You’ll also discover how to get your dog to come back to you reliably and happily.
Little bits of improvement from the start, huge improvements after about a year…it’s an on going journey for us and I’m enjoying it…walks were not enjoyable for me at the start, now they are a joy for both of us.
Pay £110 for a year.
12 payments
of £10 each
Hi – I’m Tracey
High prey drive dogs are my passion but I didn’t start like that. I started out looking for dogs without a prey drive. I didn’t know back then how important prey drive is. Now I do and now I love to work with people to help them understand their dogs and grow their relationship.
I’ve been working as a dog trainer for many years, teaching training, workshops and on a 1-2-1 basis. I’ve volunteered in both large and small rescue organisations - and for the amazing Paws for Progress.
I have two degrees – a BSc (hons) in Canine Behaviour and Training and an MSc – a masters degree - in Applied Animal Behaviour and Training. I am also a Tellington TTouch practitioner. I'm the author of the book Canine Aggression: Rehabilitating an aggressive dog with kindness and compassion. My research into prey drive has been published in the peer reviewed journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science
For me I saw immediate improvements when I figured out what my dog Misha was telling me all along - that the prey was present waaaaaaaay before we saw it and he knew it and I didn’t! Once I got better at reading doggie body language I am much better at handling situations and he and I work better as a team. I trust him more to make good choices which benefits him as he has more freedom and is more relaxed which creates a virtuous circle.
I was at the point of surrendering him when I started with Tracey it was my last attempt I am realistic I am not more interesting that squirrel cat fox or rabbit or some new exciting scent but now he receives a reliably consistent care from me in these scenarios and mega praise for responding. I enjoy him now as my ability to recognise and try to meet his needs has changed a lot in that time and walks are enjoyable. I have practised strategies reliably and set tiny goals and can assess his support needs through observation and environmental awareness. In the year he has achieved:
I was taking steps to try to work on prey drive prior to joining the club but hadn't made much progress. I joined the club at the very end of June, and I think I started seeing substantial changes about 2 months ago, give or take.
I’ve found Tracey’s advice and support invaluable. For me the most important thing has actually been the mindset change. I realised I’d been mainly working against her prey drive, though all in a force free and positive way. Now I’m working with her drive and it’s made a huge difference in enjoying our life together. Yes, I can see also a huge improvement in skills like walking on lead, stillness, checking in when off lead and generally being more responsive and connected. She’s going to always be high drive, super fast and often a challenge but I’m learning to embrace it
Maybe you still have some questions.
Q. Which month would be best to start?
Q. What happens after I pay?
Q. What if I lose the welcome email?
Q. How long do I have access?
Q. Can I see what the masterclass only club looks like inside?
Q. What if I don't like it?
Q. Will I have to correct my dog?
Q. Tracey, what are your qualifications?
Q. Will I have the opportunity to ask you questions?
Pay £110 for a year.
12 payments
of £10 each
Legal Disclaimer: I would love to promise you the same results as I got from this training. I would also love to promise you how long it will take. I simply can't give any guarantees. Success in dog training depends on a range of factors including but not limited to: your own efforts, your skill at implementing the training suggested, the time you spend on training, as well as your dog's prior experiences, health, and temperament. You remain responsible for your dog's behaviour.