A gray-blue book titled The High Prey Drive Mindset Journal.

The High Prey Drive Mindset Journal

This mindset journal will help you to set goals, see your progress and get to grips with your dog's prey drive.

If you are the owner of a high prey drive dog, this mindset journal is for you.

The number one challenge that everybody with a high prey drive dog faces is that prey drive isn't a behaviour problem to be solved. It is part of what makes a dog a dog. In fact, many dogs have been selectively bred to make parts of that natural drive stronger than others.

Prey drive isn't going away.

The trick to having a happy life with your high prey drive dog is to create habits that allow you to be consistent with your planning and training. It'll stop you falling into the 'this will never work' blues and keep you going.

That's what this high prey drive mindset journal is for.

It won't tell you what to train or how to train but it will help you to get that life changing consistency that makes whatever training you are doing work.

It'll help no matter what training you are already doing with your high prey drive dog. And it's packed with information and advice about prey drive in dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What's included?

Q. Who is this for?

This mindset journal is for anybody who is working on training and managing their high prey drive dog. You can use this alongside any training and behaviour work you are doing to help keep you on track.

You can't rely on motivation and determination to succeed. You need to build strong habits and the 24 weeks in this mindset journal will help you do that.

Q. Will this book tell me how to train my dog?

This mindset journal will not do that. I've included information about prey drive in it.

If you need support in knowing what to do, I'd encourage you to work with a dog training and behaviour professionals who are knowledgeable about prey drive.

Q. Can I have training advice from you?

Of course. I'd love to help you. Click here and check out the High Prey Drive Club.

Q. When can I expect to see results?

You will see results within the first couple of weeks of planning and daily journaling.

Remember as well that this is a journey and that the results you get will compound over time so keep going for the full 24 weeks and you'll be amazed at the difference.

Q. When is the best time to start?

As soon as you have the mindset journal is the best thing to start. It is arranged in 6 sections, each with 4 weeks of daily journaling pages. The pages are not dated so it doesn't matter when in a month you start or what day you start on.

The sooner you start, the sooner you'll get the benefits.

A two-page spread from the understand section of the high prey drive journal.

Your Prey Drive Journey


Learn why your mindset is so vital to success in your dog training.

Get to grips with how to plan, change your negative thoughts, understand the role your body plays and practice gratitude.

Daily Journaling

Every day, there will be a focus on how you moved things forward a little today and a chance to feel gratitude for wins.

A two-page spread from the beginning of a 4 week section of the high prey drive journal.

Weekly Thought Work

Take time to journal about your prey drive challenges and then to reframe and change your negative thoughts.

Goal Setting

At the start of each section, you'll find space to set your goal for the next 4 weeks.

A two-page spread from the end of a 4 week section of the high prey drive journal.

Knowledge Boost

At the start of each section, you'll find information to help you learn more about prey drive in dogs.

Goal Reviews

Each section ends with a review of your goal to get you ready for the start of a new 4 week block.

Hi - I'm Tracey. I created The High Prey Drive Journal after noticing how much mindset blocks progress for people training high prey drive dogs.

I would love to introduce myself to you.

I am passionate about using simple, easy methods to make living with high prey drive dogs easy to do.

I have tons of qualifications. Most recently, I studied for a master's degree in Applied Animal Behaviour and Training. I graduated from that course with distinction. Going back a bit, I studied for and gained a BSc (hons) in Canine Behaviour and Training. Going back even further, I studied for and gained an MA (hons) in Philosophy which means I really understand ethics.

My experience in living with high prey drive dogs spans over 20 years. I've had tons of success in training my own dogs of various breeds to control themselves around prey.

Not only that but since 2018, I have focused on teaching my clients the things I know about prey drive. I've helped hundreds of people just like you to live better lives with their high prey drive dogs.

Modern dog training focuses on being aligned with scientific research. I am not just aligned with it. I actively contribute to the research about prey drive in dogs.

I have articles published by the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science. As a qualified expert in the field, I also peer review for the journal so that I can help with upcoming research into prey drive.

Woman with short hair and a pink jacket looks down at a beautiful golden dog. The dog stands to her side and is looking up at her.

Legal Disclaimer: I would love to promise you the same results as I got from this training. I would also love to promise you how long it will take. I simply can't give any guarantees. Success in dog training depends on a range of factors including but not limited to: your own efforts, your skill at implementing the training suggested, the time you spend on training, as well as your dog's prior experiences, health, and temperament. You remain responsible for your dog's behaviour.