Expert Witness
for dangerous dogs.

I am happy to offer my services as an expert witness. I can offer advice, produce reports, and appear in court.

If you would like to discuss this with me, please send an email to and I will get back to you quickly.


My expertise is with dogs. Particularly dangerous dogs and incidents that may have arisen due to predation by dogs on livestock, wildlife, or other pet animals.

I have been a dog trainer and behaviour expert for around 16 years. During that time, I have assisted clients on a one-to-one basis with their dog’s behaviour and training needs. I have taught workshops. I have trained other dog professionals. I have volunteered for charities and good causes relating to dogs. I undertook training to enable me to carry out this work due to the behaviour of one of my dogs. Calgacus was a bullmastiff. Bullmastiffs are a large, powerful breed not dissimilar to American bulldogs.

At around 18 months of age, Calgacus became aggressive toward other dogs and attacked a small dog, causing extensive injuries to his neck and back. The dog survived only because I was there and was able to stop the attack within seconds. After being told by dog trainers and clinical animal behaviourists that my dog’s aggression could not be cured, I sought help from animal behaviourist, Sarah Fisher who taught me a gentle training method called Tellington TTouch.

After working with Sarah Fisher for three years, Calgacus was once more safe to be around other dogs and he remained that way until he died at 11.5 years of age. He attended many training classes and workshops with me. He was the dog I trained for my dog training degree. He met and mixed with hundreds of other dogs of all shapes and sizes during his life without any issues.

I also have significant experience with dogs who behave in a predatory way toward livestock, wildlife, or other pet animals. I am currently studying for an MSc qualification and predatory behaviour in domestic dogs is my focus for the course.

I am the author of book Canine Aggression: Rehabilitating an aggressive dog with kindness and compassion .

In addition to my expertise with dogs, I bring over 20 years of experience of preparing technical reports and attending walk through meetings to answer questions about the content of my report within the Financial Services industry. Over that time, I have worked for Scottish Amicable, Prudential, Capita, Diligenta and St. James’s Place.

Employed Experience

2018 to present

Managing Director – Best Dog Learning and Stuff Ltd (SC585040)

2020 to 2021

Senior Data Analyst – St. James's Place Wealth Management

2018 to 2020

Senior Systems Analys/Developer - Diligenta

2001 to 2018

Senior Systems Analys/Developer - Capita Life & Pensions

1997 to 2001

Systems Analyst/Developer - Prudential UK

Voluntary Experience

2014 to 2019

Director – Paws for Progress CIC (SC469108)

2012 to 2019

Guest Speaker – Paws for Progress CIC (SC469108)

2016 to 2018

Committee Member - Staffordshire Rescue Scotland (SC042285)

2013 to 2015

Trustee – Springer Rescue for Scotland (SC040565)


2020 to 2022

MSc Applied Animal Behaviour and Training – Bishop Burton College

2005 to 2010

BSc (Hons) Canine Behaviour and Training – Bishop Burton College

1993 to 1997

MA (Hons) Philosophy – University of Glasgow

In addition to the above formal eduction, I complete at least 20 hours of CPD each year to ensure that my skills remain up to date.